Mini Miller

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Mini Miller

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Mini Miller

17m of 8mm shaft with thick outer casing. Suitable for drain cleaning DN50 to DN100 pipes. Use with DN50 & DN70 Smart Cutters & Twisters or expand your business further and team with the Mini Pump for the Picote Brush Coating™ System. Weighs 32kg, 600 to 3000rpm, 1200w output. Lightweight aluminum frame. Perfect to work inside buildings.

The Mini Miller is a high-speed and high torque machine designed for cleaning, descaling and removing roots in DN50 to DN100 / 2" to 4" pipes.

Suitable for reinstatements inside DN50 and DN70 / 2" and 3" pipes.

Add the Mini Pump to brush coat DN50 to DN150 / 2" to 6" pipes.

High speed drain cleaning

Blockage removal

Fast reinstatements

Now available: Mini Miller +C with integrated CCTV Camera

The Picote Mini Miller +C units feature an integrated 30m (98') color camera that makes viewing of cleaning and cutting jobs easier and helps to make Picote Brush Coating setup even simpler.

The Mini Miller +C color, self-leveling camera head has a 512hz integrated sonde while the Mini Cleaner +C features a smaller color camera head that allows it to follow the Mini Cleaner through DN50(2") P-Traps and bends.

Category: Picote

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