Drain Cleaning

K-40 Sink Machine

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The Model K-40 Sink Machine is ideal for cleaning small secondary drain lines from 3⁄4″
(20 mm) to 21⁄2″ (75 mm).

• 1⁄4″ (6 mm) cables best for ¾” (20 mm) to 1½” (40 mm) lines.
• 5⁄16″ (8 mm) cables best for ¾” (20 mm) to 1½” (40 mm) lines.
• 3⁄8″ (10 mm) cables best for 1¼” (40 mm) to 2½” (75 mm) lines.

The K-40 sits flat on the floor or countertop and also tips onto its back for easy access
to sink drains and bathtubs full of water. The K-40 practically eliminates job site cleanup
thanks to the patented Guide Hose two-way AUTOFEED®. It completely contains the
rotating cable and eliminates any waste water splashing or spraying.

• 175 W induction motor quietly delivers enough torque to clear even the toughest
• Premium-quality, compression-wound inner core cable combines strength and flexibility
to resist kinking.
• Two-piece “twist lock” drum housing will not dent or corrode and allows easy access
to the inner drum and cable.
• Special inner drum design virtually eliminates cable flip-over inside the drum and
drum leakage.
• Two-way AUTOFEED advances and retrieves the drain cleaning cable with a simple
push of a lever keeping you and the work area clean.
• Includes RIDGID® drain cleaning gloves and operator’s manual.

Category: Sink Machines

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